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full game pleez, this has potential.

make a full version

Nice. Got all correct on my first try.

What a great concept. So many different opportunities and ways to expand the game: data validation, choosing `200 OK`/`404 Not Found`/`500 Internal Server Error` response codes, dealing with players who try to cheat and so on.

Really love it.

Really cool! I'd love to play an extended version of this game!! funny ending as well lol


Cool! Would be interesting if the texts were Randomized, to add some replayability. Game looks nice!

or even auto generated that way its 100 precent there is reliability.

Cool Game! I like the idea that its in the perspective of the server rather than the user, hence why its fits the theme. Although, one complaint I would have is that the "gameplay" isn't really that fun as you are only clicking buttons and reading some text. Overall, great idea but the execution of the concept could use some work.